UK IT Recycling Ltd The Computer Disposal Experts Covering The Whole Of The UK
UK IT Recycling Ltd are one of the longest established secure waste electrical companies in the UK and working with many UK charities helping those in need obtain much needed computer equipment such as PCs and laptops though free donations.
Email Us at or give us a call on 01743 761278 and we can advise you on any aspect of your disposal needs.
Every PC, laptop, printer or any other electrical device containing data is securely destroyed and a full data destruction certificate is issued before UK IT Recycling donate any computer equipment to charity or totally destroy it depending on your security requirements.
No computer equipment is sent to developing countries.
All equipment donated to charity after secure data destruction is donated to UK charities rather than sent abroad to developing countries, this is because the WEEE waste cannot be correctly recycled or tracked once it arrives in countries with no environmental laws or policies in place.
Free donation of computers and laptops to charity.
UK IT Recycling Ltd work with many UK based charitable organisations to provide functional, useable computers and laptops to people who would normally not have access to such equipment.
We do not export any equipment outside of the UK to developing Countries as once it leaves the UK most equipment donated to charities claiming to help impoverished people in the developing world is sold in Lagos to the highest bidder and once it reaches the end of its usable life it is burned in the many ‘E Villages’ in African nations to recover the precious metals by the children it was meant to help in the first place. We feel exporting our waste to developing Countries is a very short sighted and damaging way to pass on the problem.
UK IT Recycling’s unique approach.
We believe that waste electrical equipment should be entered into the correct waste stream and properly monitored within the boundaries of Countries that have strong waste management regulations not dumped in the developing world and then forgotten about.
Donating computers or laptops to developing countries may sound like a good idea at first but the damage it does in the long run can have a serious impact on the environment and fuels corruption in developing nations.
Our Environment Agency Registration numbers and our ICO Registration numbers are:
Waste Management Site Code: NCC/059280/2011
Producer Number: NZE427
Waste Carriage and Brokerage Number: CB/FM3188LW
ICO Registration Number: Z1781219
Free computer donation Africa Laptop WEEE Recycling
printers aid e village
We do not use third parties for any aspect of recycing, data destruction or computer disposal.[/vc_column_text]